Top-Up & Track Meter Bills

Empowering Nigerians to Manage their Prepaid Electricity Bills with Paylight


UX Designer, UI Designer


Managing prepaid electricity meters can be a challenge in Nigeria. However, with the Paylight app, consumers can easily manage their prepaid meter account from a mobile device. This mobile prepaid meter payment solution combines payment and consumption tracking, allowing users to track usage, check their meter balance, and get in touch with customer assistance.

Problem Statement

With the widespread usage of prepayment meters, people are now better able to manage their electricity costs. However, in Nigeria, managing and paying bills for prepaid meters is still a challenge. Paylight aims to improve the experience of tracking and managing prepaid electricity.

How might we improve the experience of tracking and managing prepaid electricity? 


People are now better able to manage their electricity costs thanks to the widespread usage of prepayment meters. However, in Nigeria, managing and paying bills for prepaid meters is still a challenge.

This approach eliminates the need for tokens on the meter box and makes it simple and quick for users of prepaid meters to top off their meters wherever they are.


To develop a solution that benefits both users and the product, I considered and comprehended user demands, goals, pain spots, frustrations, and motivations.

I also conducted a usability test, customer interviews, and online research to understand how people recharge their meters and identify problems encountered when paying meter bills and checking balances.

Research Method

I held a semi-structured interview with two persons to learn about their needs, wants, and pain spots. I interviewed them based on the fact that they had prepaid meters even though I didn't have a specific demographic in mind.

I found commonalities among customers in my research and first user interviews that assisted me in identifying problems encountered when paying meter bills and checking balances.


The following phase was to describe and reframe the problem in order to give it life after defining my target audience, gathering insights, and evaluating data.

From the research and interviews, I developed an empathy map and pain points, which aided in directing the ideation process.

User Persona

I was able to identify 2 major user personalities that encapsulate the goals and painpoints of my target audience after doing a number of interviews with them.


To improve the experience, it was necessary to develop workable solutions after learning about the issues with the aid of users.

Customer Journey map was created to help understand a user journey and how they interact with the product accross differnet touchpoint.

User Flow

The user's path to achieving a goal will be shown through the user task flow. This will make it easier to see the steps a user takes to complete an action, starting at the entry point.

Prioritization of Features 


For the potential solutions I came up with, I sketched some features. then went on to create wireframes using them.

Usability Test

I conducted a usability test on the wireframes I had made in order to evaluate the design's overall concept and functionality. This was carried out using individuals other than the users I had already interviewed.

The main conclusions from the usability test report were as follows:

  • Despite thinking the process was overly lengthy, participants deemed the app flow to be straightforward and simple to use.
  • Instead of opening numerous tabs and going through a laborious process, they wished to be able to access all the information they required about the meter on a screen.
  • They appreciated the capability of saving meter information and payment choices.


I revised the designs after incorporating the usability test input. After making adjustments, I developed a different design approach that our users will be able to use.

Before Usability Test

After Usability Test


To manage their electricity bills, users require a platform that is handy for them. Rather than having to deal with the hassle of visiting mobile businesses or utilizing tokens purchased online. They would rather quickly see their unit's balance and payment history and recharge directly.

The objective is to have a straightforward app design that enables the user to navigate conveniently and complete the essential operations, such as checking the balance of their units, paying their bills, and receiving notifications when their balance is approaching low. Additionally, the app aids in managing many meters.

The Outcome


When a user uses the app for the first time, we offer the capabilities and benefits of the app in a straightforward and interactive onboarding process for user satisfaction.

Sign In & Registration

Quick and easy sign-up with name, phone number, email, and password.

Home Screen

For recurring users, the saved meter accounts are displayed on the main screen with an option to add additional ones. The notification function is another.

A user can buy the unit for a certain meter, examine additional information about the meter, and set a restriction for when to get notifications when they choose a meter.

What's Next?

The product underwent numerous iterations throughout the project, and various strategies were employed to obtain additional information regarding prepaid meter payment, users and how they engage with these devices, as well as what they desired from such apps.

A second set of usability tests will be performed to determine whether the initial issue that was discovered during the user testing has been resolved as well as to spot any potential new issues.

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