Revamping Real Estate Investment for Realty Assetlog

This app enables investors to explore and invest in different real estate opportunities. It provides users with investment information, portfolio management tools, and a seamless investment experience.


UX Designer, UI Designer


8 Weeks


Realty by Assetlog


Real Estate Investment


The real estate investment web app is an application that allows anyone to explore various real estate investment opportunities and manage their portfolios.

However, the existing design is not meeting the needs of its users. Therefore, a redesign was needed to improve the user experience and increase engagement with the platform.

The Research:

To begin the redesign process, I needed to conduct primary research to gain insights into the app's current user experience and identify areas for improvement.

The purpose of this research was to provide insights into the real estate investment market in Nigeria, focusing on the use of web applications for investment. The study focused on the target audience, common pain points, and industry trends to provide recommendations for a successful web application re-design plan.

Purpose of Investment:

Real estate investment in Nigeria is largely driven by the desire to generate passive income. According to a report by the NIPC, rental income from commercial properties can yield returns of up to 18% per annum.

Target Audience:

Real estate investment in Nigeria is largely driven by the desire to generate passive income. According to a report by the NIPC, rental income from commercial properties can yield returns of up to 18% per annum.

Pain Points:

The most common pain points discovered were difficulty in finding investment opportunities, lack of transparency in the investment process, and difficulty in obtaining financing. 


Based on the primary research and online resources, It was discovered that the existing design was not intuitive and often confused users.

Many users found it challenging to navigate the app and locate the information they needed. Additionally, users found the investment opportunities difficult to understand.

To ensure that the new design would be effective, I conducted user testing sessions to gather insight from the current app. This was then used to refine the design and address any issues or concerns that were identified.

Project Goal

The primary goal was to create a more intuitive and user-friendly interface that would guide users through the investment process. To achieve this goal, the plan was to design a new user interface that featured simplified navigation and a more intuitive layout.

Visual Design

The focus in this stage was to create the visual design for the web application. The following tasks were completed:

  • Establish a visual style guide to ensure consistency throughout the web application.
  • Develop the colour palette, typography, and imagery for the web application.
  • Apply the visual design to the wireframes and prototypes.

Sign Up

The signup process is the first point of contact for users, and it should be quick, easy, and secure. The redesigned signup flow for the app focused on having a simple interface that allows users to enter their basic details, such as name, email address, and phone number. The signup form was clear on how to create an account.

Old Design


Sign In

The redesigned sign-in process focused on having an interface that allows users to enter their login credentials, such as email address and password, in a straightforward and intuitive way. It was streamlined to enable users to access their accounts quickly and easily. 

Old Design


Dashboard / Investment Product Listings

This is the main interface that users interact with when using the app. The aim was to design a visually appealing, easy-to-navigate application with the available investment product listings that should be easy to understand, with clear and concise information about each investment. The page includes visual aids such as a high-quality image of the investment product, cost per unit, units available and interest rate.

Old Design


Investment Product Details Page / Investing Flow

The investment product details page was redesigned to provide users with more clarity about the investment product. Users can view detailed information about the property, including photos, location, expected return on investment.

The process for investing in a product was also simplified to make it faster and more user-friendly. Users can select an investment product from the product listings and click the "Subscribe" button. They are then prompted to select their investment duration and enter the number of unit they wish to invest, and payment is directly from their wallet. Once payment is confirmed, the investment is added to their portfolio.

Old Design


My Subscriptions

Here, users can easily view and manage their current investment subscriptions. When a user invests in an opportunity, it is automatically added to their subscription list. From the "My Subscriptions" tab in their account, users can view their active subscriptions and see details such as the investment amount, expected return, and maturity date.

Old Design



This feature provides users with a convenient and easy-to-use interface for gifting and receiving real estate investments, as well as tracking the status of these gifts.
Users can select an investment opportunity from the product listings and click the "Send as gift" checkbox. They are then prompted to enter the recipient's email address, along with a personalized message. Once payment is confirmed, the gift is sent to the recipient, who can then claim their investment.

Once the gift has been sent, the user can track its status from the "Gifts" tab in their account, whether it has been accepted or not, and when it is scheduled to mature. If a gift has not been accepted yet, the user can choose to resend the gift or cancel it.

If a user receives a gift from someone else, they will receive a notification with instructions on how to accept or reject the gift. If the user accepts the gift, the investment will be added to their portfolio. If the user rejects the gift, they can choose to send a message to the sender explaining why they are unable to accept the gift.

Old Design



The wallet feature provides users with more detailed information about their funds. Users can view their balance and transaction history, as well as withdraw or deposit funds as needed.

Old Design


Profile / Settings

This section was redesigned to improve the User Interface and provide users with more control over their account settings. Users can update their personal information, as well as add their preferred bank accounts. notification preferences. 

Old Design



The Notifications feature provides users with real-time updates on their investments and account activity. Users can view their notifications from the Notifications tab in their account, as well as receive email notifications.

This feature also includes a notification centre, which provides a comprehensive view of all past and present notifications. Users can view their notifications history and filter notifications by type or date.

New Design

New Design

App Overview

This overview provides a glimpse into the redesigned application, highlighting key features. It also offers a glimpse into the app's user-friendly design and functionality, highlighting the improvements made to enhance the user experience.

Launch and Results:

The results of the redesigned application were immediately apparent after implementation. The new design was well-received by users, who found it easier to navigate and more intuitive than the previous version.

There was also increased engagement with the platform, which led to higher user satisfaction and increased investment activity.

Following the launch, My next focus will be on continuous improvement and user feedback to identify areas for improvement and add new features that meet the needs of the users. 

App Link

Here is a link to the live App:

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