Cloth Donation Platform

A humanitarian group called World Citizen was founded with the goal of helping those in need of basic necessities.


UX Designer, UI Designer



The purpose of this program, which serves as a platform for online clothing donations across the continent, is to make it simple for anyone to donate clothes anywhere on the continent.

Problem Statement

How might we improve the experience of cloth donation across the continent? 


I made an effort to consider and comprehend the demands, objectives, pain spots, frustrations, and motivations of users throughout this phase in order to provide a solution that would be beneficial to them.

With my understanding of design thinking, I examined the typical methods individuals dispose of or distribute their clothing. In order to learn more about people and their perspectives, I conducted web research as well as interviews and inquiries with real people.

To find out about their needs, wants, and pain areas, I built a survey questionnaire and conducted interviews with five people using it.


Pain Points

  • Transporting donations to the recipient organization can be stressful, especially if they must travel a long distance.
  • It's difficult to locate groups that accept clothing contributions. There isn't much data available on them.
  • There is no information on how the donations are being put to use. Users want to know if they are supporting the appropriate cause when they donate.
  • There is no formal procedure in place to indicate whether they are available to receive.
  • Delivery costs are not included. no pickup option.
  • Regrets not contributing enough.

Empathy Map

Based on the user insights, an empathy map was created. This was done in order to comprehend events from their point of view better.

Proto - Persona

Using the data from my research, the next stage was to develop personas that would help me comprehend and see how to develop solutions that would cater to the demands and address the issues of a certain target audience. I developed three categories of target groups based on my user research from online surveys and interviews.

Feature Prioritization

Following the creation of the User Persona, I ranked the prospective features using the Actors and Impact complexity matrix.

User Journey Map

Understanding users' interactions with the product is made easier with the aid of a user journey map. A user's actions and feelings while completing a task are mapped out in this document.

User Flow

User Task Flow is the route followed by a user to complete an activity; it runs from the entry point to the last action. It is a means to display the best user path across the system.


Digital Wireframes

Prior to being thoroughly defined with Figma, the wireframe was first created on paper to demonstrate the fundamentals of the solution. With a high-fidelity wireframe, usability studies could quickly validate the application's intended organizational structure. 

Before beginning the considerably more expensive digital implementation, modifications might be done with little effort.

High-Fidelity Wireframe


Usability study: Findings

Five users tested the usability of the product after the high fidelity prototype was finished in order to determine whether the design solution satisfies users' needs and to ensure that users can use the product effortlessly.

Participants could typically finish a task in under a minute. Users specifically needed to know how to locate their closest donation point, which was one big difficulty that was found.


When donating to a cause, people want it to be convenient and simple. They would choose a platform where they could donate their clothes as opposed to throwing them away or setting them on fire.

For donors to understand how their money are used, the app displays information about charitable projects. Users can easily fill out the necessary information to donate and request a free pickup at their preferred location.

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