Health Tracker App

A web dashboard solution for tracking someone's health and wellness. Sleep duration, daily step total, and calorie expenditure are among the data points monitored.


UX Designer, UI Designer


I implemented the Lean UX cycle for my design process.

Even though the method of working on a project is slightly different, this technique nonetheless aims to create an excellent user experience.

The procedure was divided into three steps:

  • Think: This section concentrated on research, including user research, product research, competitor analysis, and ideation.
  • Make: The implementation of the UI design, which included a mood board, wireframes, style guide, and high-fidelity designs, was the focus of this section.
  • Check: Writing and testing reports


Product Research

Having done some research, I was able to learn that the purpose of Health Tracker applications is to track and manage data and procedures related to healthy living. This was my first step in getting to know the product. The software assists in illustrating the user's general lifestyle and offers advice on how to choose healthier options. The user's motivation is increased, and they feel more in charge of their health.

Competitors Analysis

My second strategy was to analyze competitors' apps and do competitors' assessments on them after having a basic understanding of the product. This was primarily done to find out what other people found to be helpful, to decide which features are essential, and to pinpoint those that are useless to users.

I examined the four health applications at Samsung Health, Google Fit, Huawei Health, and Health Tracker.

User Research

The next step was to research the users after knowing about the rivals. The objective was to find out how people track their health using various techniques and to identify their goals and pain spots. I searched websites like the play store to see if customers had left comments on reviews of products, as well as used the online research technique to glean crucial user insights.

In order to highlight the behaviours, objectives, frustrations, and motives of the users, I developed an empathy map based on the user research data that I had gathered.

Empathy Map

Proto - Persona

Using the data from my web research, the next stage was to develop a proto-persona that would help me comprehend and see how to develop solutions that would cater to the demands and address the issues of a certain target audience. In place of an actual persona, a proto persona was employed because personal interviews were not used to gather the research data.

My Insights

  • A key component of personalization is ensuring that the information provided to her is tailored to her individual needs.
  • A convenient method to view everything being tracked in one place.
  • To be able to access her data whenever she needs it in an understandable format.
  • A method of tracking objectives and people's progress toward them.

Problem Statement

User Journey & Flow

I didn't explore anywhere further in the dashboard because the task was restricted to a single page.

Dashboard: The user's dashboard displays health information for each day, including steps walked, calories burnt, heart rate, weight, water intake, sleep analysis, challenges and goals, and an up-to-date calendar.


Solution - Low-Fidelity Wireframe

I had a solid concept of the structure to employ after I had a handle on the user demands and the flow of what needed to be on the dashboard. So I quickly created a low-fidelity wireframe to represent these concepts as my next step.

Style Guide

I created a style guide after finishing the low-fidelity wireframe so that I could apply it to the high-fidelity designs.

Solution - High-Fidelity Wireframe


It was a unique experience to design this app in such a short amount of time. This task's goal was to create the web dashboard for an app that tracks a person's health and well-being. I had to first look into the users and identify their difficulties in order to be able to build a product that solves those problems for them.

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